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From UX Parula

According to the surveys conducted with 2 people aged 30-42 working in different group teams in the Ux field, Project management and Marketing in Milan and London.

These are the results:

Mattia N

Age: Around 30

Work: Ux Designer for Accenture (Fintech), Milan

How many time I check the mails: 10/12 times the personal one, esp because I receive many notifications on my mobile.

I check the work email less, only when I reveive a notification usually.

Personal: I use Spark because I can use 4 accounts in the same time.

Work: Outlook

If I use conversation view: Yes, I don't normally have long conversations, unless there are many threads from multiple people, that happen during often long periods of time(some weeks or even months)

How do I manage long threads: The reading is sometimes a little difficult because in Outlook you don't understand start and end, too plain, there is a divider that doesn't help.

In very long threads it would be useful maybe a sum of the content.

I read everything because usually I am interested in the whole conversation. I know all people sending replies. But I don't think I'd like to choose the people I read the replies from, I wouldn't choose which one I'd like to read.

- picture of the mockup with threading graph shown -

Feedback: It's similar to what Outlook does already, in a less structured manner and only in the web. You can expand and see the whole thread.

It doesn't use Avatars but you can see the cronological order of the replies that sometimes HELPS!

I am not able to tell you if I'd like it, I am not used to see it. Also people don't have often an image in the avatar, so one character is hard to interpret.